Saturday, December 12, 2009

THE SHACK discussion

The share group that Margaret and I participate in has been discussing William Paul Young's popular book, THE SHACK. Every now and again I come across people who haven't heard about this marvelous novel. While at other times I come up with individuals who are on their third or fourth read. I hope that you have made the discovery and are sharing it with others.

Last Monday evening one of the discussion questions, which were developed by our senior pastor, concerned material in chapter 10. The question was this: "Page 149 Jesus talks about submission and says it is not something we can do on our own. 'My life was not meant as an example to be copied. Being a follower is not trying to be like Jesus; it means your independence must be killed. I came to give you real life, my life. I will come and live inside of you so you see with Jesus eyes.' What does this mean to how we live our lives?"

As the discussion developed it allowed me to share some of my thoughts, which I have never been shy in doing. God created us to be unique individuals. It isn't God's desire for us to become "a Jesus clone" because that would deny our gifts and graces which are distinctively ours. Rather God's design is that we become, through Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit, to be the most complete individual that we can become. I had to admit that the catch phrase a few years ago, "WWJD" or "What Would Jesus Do," was biblically incorrect, at least from my perspective. I didn't mean to pass judgement on those who wore the bracelets or followed this particular mindset. Rather I believe that the more important question was, "What would Jesus have me do?" I cannot be Jesus! I cannot do what Jesus would do! But, I can be Jim Martin and I can do what Jim Martin can do if and when I allow God to empower me as I surrender (submit) my will and desires to him in Jesus' name.

What do you think? Also, what has been your reaction to the book, THE SHACK?

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