Sunday, December 27, 2009

Old year ... New year

In various ways the reflecions have begun about the year about to become history and the prospective of the year that is yet to be. From today's comic strips, to magazines, to various TV news magazines, to printed and broadcast sermons ... the reflections have begun ... as they always do at this time of year. Some of them contain an "ah-ha" moment while others just caused me to bow my head in utter disbelief. And, then there was a running loop of 2009 historical events that found me saying, "That happened THIS year?" How soon we forget!

I'm not sure who said it, but it is a great quote: "Don't let the past be a hitching post - but rather let it be a guidepost!" Oh, that I would learn from my past mistakes and not repeat them again. They were painful lessons of life when they first occured so why do I keep repeating them over and over and over again?

As one year closes out and a new year begins it is my prayer that I might truely embrace the idea that "This might be the year ..." finishing the phrase with much prayer and thoughtfulness so that I will become what God has designed me to become.

Will you join me in this journey?

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