Sunday, December 20, 2009

Game: "Pass on a little Christmas Cheer"

Want to have a little fun in these days leading up to Christmas? Play the game that I call, “Pass on a little Christmas Cheer.” It is best played with more than one person (it can be a fun event for a small share group, Sunday school class or a family outing). With others playing the game the winner gets a free Starbucks or whatever everybody agrees on … but remember everybody is a winner as the joy of the Christmas spirit is shared. I am well aware that there will be some who will call this “dumb,” but since our Christian faith calls us to spread the joy ... why not!!!

Go to someplace that will have a lot of people like your local mall. Set a particular time limit for the game to be played (usually 1 hour is good). Agree, with whoever you are playing the game with, the “lets-meet-back-here-in-one-hour” location. Don’t go in a group because the mall security could become involved.

HINT: You can enlist other people to be a part of your team, but they have to be people you have just met in the mall, to help you win the game. This is called “Disciple Making.” Remember to keep your own score.

PURPOSE of the game is to attempt to add a little Christmas Cheer to as many people as possible in the shortest period of time.

SCORING: 1 point for each person who you make smile; 2 points if they laugh; 3 points if they wish you a generic holiday greeting; 4 points if they wish you a Merry Christmas; 5 points if you can engage them in a conversation of more than a minute or two; and 6 points if they agree to be a follower and join your team.

WARNING: be careful of the Scrooges because if you come across a “bah humbugger” you can loose all of your points and have to start over. But, you cannot “size-up” somebody and determine that he/she is a Scrooge and avoid him or her. You cannot loose points for those people who simply do not respond or look away – they are neither hot nor cold (to quote Revelations).

Now, go forth and play. Let me know the results!

P.S. I usually can make the single older gentlemen, normally sitting on one of the ever present benches, laugh and respond by walking slowly by them and ask, "Waiting for the parade?" You would be surprised at their reaction. They begin to sit up straighter, sometimes begin to talk with each other and become more engaged with their surroundings. Yesterday I passed a man and two women looking at a childs bicycle. All I said was, "I think that it is too small for you." As I walked away they were all laughing and having a good time. Go spread a little Christmas cheer!

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