Wednesday, February 17, 2010

On being a winner

Some random thoughts about dissimilar events… the start of the NASCAR season, March Madness, Ash Wednesday, beginning the days in Lent, a baptism of a baby, and a wedding!

NASCAR is the celebration of speed as the drivers run to win the prize!
March Madness celebrates the athletic commitment of young men and women to reach the heights of their ability!

Ash Wednesday is a summons to reorder ones life that is both dedicated and committed to God.

The days in Lent … a time for meditation and prayer to see what needs to be changed so that we can obtain the full purpose of ones life as designed by God.
Baptism of a baby is an affirmation that God holds out hope for life which is cradled in the heart of love.

A wedding is the biblical imagery for the relationship between God and his church. It is an analogy that permeates the teachings of Jesus as he instructs us about the Kingdom of God.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:24 … “You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win.” (The Message)

All of these “dissimilar” events are all about “doing your best;” about “making a commitment;” about “surrendering your time, energy, and resources to a higher purpose;” … In short, they are all about winning!

Every race car driver straps themselves in believing that today they are going to win ...

Every basketball player puts on their uniform believing that today another miracle is going to happen and they are going to win …

Every couple brings a baby into this world, as a direct result of their love and commitment to each other, believing that today this child is going to be perfect and a real winner …

Every young man and woman, standing before the altar of God, pledging their undying devotion to each other, believe that today their marriage was made in heaven and they will be winners …

Every Christian who has ever accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior with a commitment to seek God’s purpose in their lives do so believing that today they are special and are winners …

AND … you know what? They (we) are! Through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection and through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, God has made us all winners!
Yeah, God!

Quote for today: “A winner makes commitments; a loser makes promises.” Source unknown

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