Thursday, February 11, 2010

About Parenting

Have you ever wondered if you are a good parent or not? Or for those of us whose children are now adults wondering if you did a good job in raising your child?

I believe that there is a simple test … look at the heart of your child. In a biblical sense the heart is the seat of the person. The entire person’s personality is defined by the condition of the heart.

Too often as parents we look at their accomplishments, their success in obtaining a good education, the awards they receive and the decisions they make. While those things are all good, they do not measure the stature of an individual… at least that is my opinion.

If the choice is between a financial successful career or a caring, kind, generous spirit I will take the latter every time. Do they have a good heart? Do they care for others?

I learned this lesson early in my life. Donna was one of the foster children that my parents were privileged to care for as I grew up. Donna, though only 4 or 5, cared deeply for others. If she saw you upset, or even worse, crying she would come, sit in your lap or sit next to you and putting her little arm around your shoulder would say, “That’s okay I cry with you. I make it better.” She had a caring spirit.

Just look at the heart of your child if you really want to know what kind of job you are doing!

Quote for today: “The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them.” Source unknown

I also like the quote from President Theodore Roosevelt when it was commented that he should control his daughter Alice, “I can either be president of the United States or control Alice, but I cannot do both!”

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