Friday, May 13, 2011

Trying to discern between the voice of the Good Shepherd out of all the voices demanding our attention

(This blog was originally posted on May 12th but because of technical difficults it had to be reposted)

It is one thing to hear the Shepherd. It is an entirely different thing to heed what you hear. Failing to respond to the Shepherd’s voice is dangerous. We place our very soul in peril. In Psalm 80 once again we witness Israel crying out to be rescued. They had failed to follow the guidelines for living as faithful people and ended up in trouble. This was repeated continuously in their history. Unfortunately, we are no different than the Israelites. The True Shepherd, the Good Shepherd, the ever present caring Shepherd always comes and always rescues and always restores us to the Promised Land, aka an ongoing relationship with himself.

Scripture: John 10:1-18
Jesus shares the difference between the good shepherd and the bad shepherd. One comes to protect and lead the sheep; the other comes to rob and kill. One the sheep will follow; the other the sheep will run away from. One brings life; the other brings destruction.

Reflection: Oh, the voices! Oh, the multiple and varied voices … each demand, expecting, requiring that we do it their way. Each voice offers an inviting and interesting alternative to what is happening in our life at the present. Each voice gets our attention for a season. Yet, we soon discover that we are being manipulated not for our benefit, but for the benefit of the one speaking. Sometimes we make this discovery too late. There is a personal cost to following the wrong advice, heeding the wrong voice, accepting the direction of the wrong individual. Unfortunately, we make this discovery only when the land goes dry, we are in bondage to a horrible way of thinking and living. Only the True Shepherd brings life, abundant life.

Prayer: Help us gracious Shepherd to so hear your voice that it drowns out the competing voices for our attention. May we live so close to you that our thoughts will be your thoughts, our feelings will be your feelings, and our ways will be your ways. In the name of the way of life, Jesus Christ himself. Amen

Further reflection from Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado
“When God became flesh and was the victim of an assassination attempt before he was two years old, he didn’t give up. When the people from his own home town tried to push him over a cliff, he didn’t give up. When his brothers ridiculed him, he didn’t give up. When he was accused of blaspheming God by people who didn’t fear God, he didn’t give up…. God would give up his only son before he’d give up on you.”

The Struggle: Haven’t each of us always wanted to do the right thing? But, our own personal agendas and our own personal desires and our own personal opinions have gotten in the way. That is why we are so attracted to the bleating of bad shepherds. On the surface it sounds great. On the surface it appears to be correct and true. On the surface … but then we turn around and we are in trouble. The real struggle, at least for me, is discerning the voice of the True Shepherd from all the voices that continuously sound off in my ear. Our hearts are in the right place. Our intentions are worthy. Our desires and hopes are praise worthy … but our actions often trip us up because we are listening to the wrong shepherds.

Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us – attr. to Dorothy A. Thrupp
Early let us seek thy favor,
Early let us do thy will;
Blessed Lord and only Savior,
With thy love our bosoms fill.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Thou hast loved us, love us still.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Thou hast loved us, love us still.

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