Saturday, May 21, 2011

A reflection on the End Time prediction of Harold Camping

It is the morning ritual. Papers (we get two now) come in. I read the first section, glance at the sports and then on to the comics. My wife likes the local section. She reads the obits to see if she knows anyone. Often she does. Running in the background is normally the TODAY show. A cup of coffee or hot tea might be sitting next to my chair. It is the morning ritual. And in the back of my mind, deep within my spirit is always the question, “How are you going to use me today Lord?” And that is followed up by, “Speak for your servant listens.”

This has special meaning today as some crazy Christians are spreading the news, as these fringe groups have in the past, that they know something that scripture says is only known by God – that the world is going to end at 6 p.m. this evening. The Rev. Harold Camping didn’t share if it was eastern, central, mountain or pacific time, but 6 p.m. is nevertheless the time for Jesus’ return. Been there, done that like in 1994 when he used his biblical knowledge to set the date for Jesus’ return … and if you hadn’t noticed, it didn’t happen … and the sun will set this evening and tomorrow will bring a dawning of a new day.

The morning ritual will continue for most of us, but for the crazies they will be disappointed that the prediction didn’t come true. Tears will flow. Believers in this foolishness will drop away … until the next “biblical” scholar comes along with some sort of formula that proves beyond any doubt that he/she has the inside information on the ending time for mother Earth.

From the time of Christ there has always been someone out there that uses their “higher intelligence” to reveal the unknowable truth. Each prediction has gone unfilled as Mr. Camping’s will today. People’s faith will be shaken because it has been misplaced. They have trusted a false prophet. Scripture warns us against listening to false prophets. Jesus had a particular stern warning to the leaders of Israel for leading the people down the wrong path. His warning is still applicable today.

Growing up at Allapattah Methodist in Miami we had a beloved little preacher, A. A. Koestline … Uncle Al. One of his favorite activities in Bible teaching was to pull out this massive wall chart. It must have been 8 by 15 feet. He would stand before it with his long pointer lecturing away about the truth in the book of Revelation. I don’t remember much of what he said. I do remember that us guys would sit on the back row and laugh at his efforts. It wasn’t kind, but every time he would hit the chart we would jump and laugh. He meant well as does Mr. Camping, but these men of God have their priorities misplaced.

Trust is key. Trust God to be God. Allow God to do his God-thing. Follow the teachings of scripture by sharing the Good News that Jesus Christ, the Savior, the Messiah has come into our world. People come into a living relationship with God not out of fear, but out of hope. There is a willingness to accept the relationship when it is based on love and not out of anxiety that the world is coming crashing down around us.

Life is difficult for the best of us most of the time. We don’t need another fear factor introduced that states that the world is spinning out of control. We need a word of hope, a word of promise, a word of possibility, a word of love and of faith.

In my seminary class that dealt with this subject we listed out all the “stuff” that was to take place when the end times does happen. It wasn’t a pretty list. Our conclusion: it isn’t something that we would like to be around to experience. Secondly, wouldn’t it be better to preach the Good News of his first coming. Therein is the joy … a joy that we are Kingdom people and Hallelujah is our song! As a footnote to the class the professor wondered aloud, “Could the resurrection be the second coming? After the Earth did violently shake at his death and a glorious new day, an era of eternal reign, when he came forth from the grave. Could we be living in the day of rejoicing?” I like his kind of thinking!

And the rituals of life continue … just make sure that God is a part of them. Speak Lord your servant listens.

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