Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Can the True Shepherd forgive me yet again?

Can anyone of us remember when we discovered our name? Probably not, but we soon discovered how important it was to have those around us call us by our name. We delighted in hearing it. We repeated it often. There was real joy to be experienced ... all in and through just our name. The true shepherd knows the name of each and everyone of his sheep. He knows my name and yours. He calls us by our name. He knows me … peace rolls down our soul like a mighty river.

Scripture: Jeremiah 31:10-34
Israel, because of their wicked ways, is scattered, but here is a promise from God that God will gather his children once again to him, forgive their wickedness, make a new covenant with them, be there God and restore the Promised Land for them.

Reflection: There are times that most of us feel that we have been so bad that God just couldn’t forgive us ... especially for the umpteenth time for the exact same stupid mistake. When will we learn? And why do we have that overriding sense that we can reach a point that God will not forgive us? Because we have experienced the unforgiving nature of our fellow human beings. Once the unforgiveness of others is experienced it is hard to unlearn that lesson and easily transfer the same nature over to God. Yet, God operates from a different standard. God is quick to forgive. God is constantly ready to restore. God is forever drawing his straying sheep back into the fold.

Prayer: Eternal and True Shepherd, we have strayed far from your love. We have followed our own desires. We have longed for the freedom of “doing it our way.” We have pursued our own appetites and have fallen victim to our devices. Thank you for the promise that no matter how bad we might have been nor how far we might have wandered from your love and protection you will always bring us back. Thank you for being there. In the name of the only true and faithful shepherd, Jesus Christ himself. Amen

Further reflection from Therese of Lisieux
“If I did not simply live from one moment to the next, it would be impossible for me to keep my patience. I can see only the present, I forget the past and I take good care not to think about the future. We get discouraged and feel despair because we brood about the past and the future. It is such follow to pass one’s time fretting, instead of resting quietly on the heart of Jesus.”

The Struggle: My biggest struggle is taking over. God leads me to a situation. Blesses me beyond my wildest imagination. I say “thank you God” and then begin to take charge, make suggestions, alter the divine plan to suit my ideas … and every time I end up shooting myself in the foot. I need to learn to live in the moment, trust God to bring the glory and be faithful to my call to be the under-shepherd. God knows my name. I know that. God knows my future. I know that too. God has a perfect plan for all that is before me. I believe that … now comes the challenge to trust what I already know.

Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us –attr. to Dorothy A. Thrupp
Thou hast promised to receive us,
Poor and sinful though we be;
Thou hast mercy to relieve us,
Grace to cleanse and power to free.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus!
We will early turn to thee.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus!
We will early turn to thee.

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