Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A modern parable about change

Growth comes with change. Some change comes naturally and is easy, but for most of us change of any kind is painful. I came across a modern day parable that illustrates this very point. It says it a lot better than I could. Jean L. Pelegrino is the author of this little story with a powerful message. Enjoy!

Long ago, when the world was very new, there was a certain lobster who was determined that the Creator had made a mistake. So he set up an appointment to discuss the matter.

"With all due respect," said the lobster, "I wish to complain about the way you designed my shell. You see, just as I got used to one outer casing then I have to shed it for another. Very inconvenient and rather a waste of time."

To which the Creator replied, "I see. But do you realize that it is the giving up of one shell that allows you to grow into another?" "But I like myself just the way I am," the lobster said. "Your mind’s made up? " the Creator asked. "Indeed!" the lobster stated firmly. "Very well," smiled the Creator. "From now on, your shell will not change and you may go about your business just as you do right now." "That's very kind of you," said the lobster and left.

At first, the lobster was very content wearing the same old shell. But as time passed, he found that his once light and comfortable shell was becoming quite heavy and tight.
After a while, in fact, the shell became so cumbersome that the lobster couldn't feel anything at all outside himself. As a result, he was constantly bumping into others.
Finally, it got to the point where he could hardly even breathe. So with great effort, he went back to see the Creator.

"With all due respect," the lobster sighed, "contrary to what you promised, my shell has not remained the same it keeps shrinking!" "Not at all," smiled the Creator, "your shell may have gotten a little thicker with age, but it has remained the same size. What happened is that you changed - inside, within your shell."

The Creator continued, "You see, everything changes continuously. No one remains the same. That's the way I've made things." "That's very sensible," said lobster. "If you like," offered the Creator, " I'll tell you something more." "Please do," encourage the lobster.

"When you let go of your shell and choose to grow," said the Creator, "you build new strength within yourself. And in that strength you'll find new capacity to love yourself - to love those around you - to love life itself. This is my plan for each one."

Quote for today: Everything continues in a state of rest unless it is compelled to change by forces impressed upon it. Issac Newton, First Law of Motion

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