Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Surprised by Joy - through the eyes of a child

Seeing Christmas through the eyes of my 24-month old granddaughter is a wonderful experience. She doesn’t remember much from last year and so, this year everything is a surprise … a glorious surprise … an “Oh, My God” moment. Oh, the wonder of it all! Our tree was up and the lighted village beneath its branches was all in place when she came yesterday afternoon. Her eyes were wide, she simply stood still taking it all in. Eventually, she took a sit and with starry-eyed amazement tried to take it all it. Oh, the wonder of it all!

As adults we have a tendency to have the attitude of “been there, done that” and the magic of the decorations, lighted homes, gifts wrapped and special foods prepared does not hold our imaginations for very long. We’ve lost the wonder of it all.

There are those who say that Christmas is for children. AND they might be right! Especially when you consider that Jesus shared that we are to become like a little child in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Scholars have debated the meaning behind Jesus’ words, but from my perspective I understand it to mean that one must have a child like acceptance, a child like wonder, a child like trust, a child like excitement … to be a part of God’s glorious kingdom. Conclusion: Christmas is indeed for all of God’s children and which includes you and me. Also remember that there is a difference in being “child like” and “childish”.

Christmas is preceded by a season of preparation called Advent. Unlike the commercial enterprises, that begin to display their “fabulous” new merchandize - which will make (in their opinion) your life complete and whole - starting sometime in July or August, the churches time of preparation is much shorter. The true glorious gift of Christmas, which really does make our life complete and whole – beyond anything that we could ever imagine or purchase from a commercial market – is given a mere four weeks for us to make all the necessary preparation for His coming. Oh, the wonder of it all!

The question has always been … will we be ready for Christmas? AND I don’t mean with our cards mailed, house decorated, presents bought and wrapped, cookies baked, parties attended and food prepared for the festive meal. Rather, will the “house” where our spirit resides be ready when He breaks into our world this year? Remember that our God is full of surprises and thus, when we least expect it He is there in a way that we least expect it. Oh, the wonder of it all!

Remember that those who lived in the world during Jesus’ birth were expecting a king and conqueror … what they received was a baby. Surprise! With God always expect the unexpected … the unimaginable … the unlikely. Who would have thought that God would come in the form of a baby to save His world? God is full of surprises. How will God surprise the child in us this year? Here’s to being surprised by joy … and the wonder of it all!

Quote for today: A Life of intimacy with God is Characterized by Joy. ~Oswald Chambers

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