Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dealing with cancer when there isn't faith

Every pastor has dealt with this kind of situation at one point in his or her ministry, but it is always difficult to deal with no matter how many times it has risen.

The hospital patient has just received the difficult diagnosis of stage 4 cancer. That which makes this situation a little more difficult is that her husband had lost his job last year, then both of her parents passed away at the beginning of this year, then she had to take a medical leave of absence from her work which resulted with your work terminating her job ... and, now this new challenge.

As she shared, “I could handle any one of these situations, but all of them coming at me at once is just a little hard to understand and cope with. It seems just a little unfair especially since my life was just starting to come together.”

Her husband, who was a member of a previous church’s youth group, grew up in the church, but she didn’t. “Now don’t get me wrong,” she said, “I believe, but I’m just like my daddy. You don’t need the church to have that special feeling inside of your heart about God.” Well, she’s correct but it is not that “special feeling” which is going to see her through this life’s challenge. It is going to be faith and faith alone … and, faith is available only through the vehicle of the church. For good or for bad that is a reality of the gift of faith.

Actually, if I wanted to insensitive I could have said, “Well, how’s that ‘feeling’ thing working for you?” It really was on the tip of my tongue especially as I witnessed her tears, worry and pain. There was no faith – nothing to serve as a foundation on which to hold her up during this life-threatening situation. I knew that if followed my instinct she would have shut the door … end of conversation … “don’t let the door hit you as you leave” kind of response. Lord, give me wisdom as to when to approach the subject of faith vs. feelings. She is going to have to deal with the difference at some point, I just don’t know when nor how to bring it up.

Can you experience ungrace via the church? By all means – just read Philip Yancey’s book, “What’s so Amazing about Grace” to more completely understand the dynamics of grace and ungrace – but even in the light of some very uncomfortable situations in the church it still remains the vehicle by which God gives believers the unusual gift of faith … the ability to trust God in all circumstances regardless!

As a pastor my challenge is to begin where she is and gradually lead her to an understanding of faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The next several months is going to be interesting I just pray that God will grant me the wisdom to know what to say and when to say it.

Quote for today: Faith for my deliverance is not faith in God. Faith means, whether I am visibly delivered or not, I will stick to my belief that God is love. There are some things only learned in a fiery furnace. Oswald Chambers

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