Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ordering ones priorities

Life is made up of choices – some appear to be trivial while others are far beyond the mundane. How we act on the choices which confront us – regardless of their surface importance – determines the course our life will take. The choices are guided by priorities.

How do you set your priorities?

It was a simple event, but it changed the way I determined my priorities. As an associate pastor, with multiple responsibilities well beyond the local church, my calendar was a nightmare … I just didn’t know how bad it was.

One priority was to be home every evening for dinner with the family, but then quickly thereafter my schedule had me heading in one direction or another. As we sat down at the dinner table one night our young son asked, “What meeting do you have tonight?” I responded that there were no meetings for me to attend and I would be spending the evening at home. With a shout of joy and great excitement Tim left the table, ran outside and informed the neighbors that his daddy was going to be spending the evening at home.

While this single event didn’t change my various commitments overnight it did have a profound impact on all my future commitments. I can share that my priorities began to change that evening.

How do you set your priorities?

What are the top five priorities that occupy the majority of your time and energy?

Quote for today: “We cannot decide whether or not we will live or die; we can only decide what we will die for.” Bob Pierce

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