Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tabernacle - tent of meeting

Dr. Lawrence Hay, Professor of Literature and History of the Bible, was known to be a tough examiner. “Know everything including what is in the footnotes,” was the general advice given by those who had him previously. So I studied hard for his course, “Introduction to the Old Testament.” I went into the final exam thinking that I was prepared for the 3-hour essay final. My blue student exam book lay before me, three #2 sharpened pencils were at the top of the desk when Dr. Hay walked into the room, stood before the blackboard and wrote one question ... just one simple question that would determine my final grade … JUST ONE QUESTION? to encompass the entire Old Testament ... you’ve got to be kidding! But there is was, “Describe Tabernacle in as much detail as possible.” WHAT? … almost erupted from my lips …

And so I wrote what I knew … so many cubits this way and that way, setup outside of their camp, housed the Ark, Aaron and his tribe were to take care of the Tabernacle, etc. I wrote for the full 3-hours. Not really sure what I wrote and then prayed that it would be enough to get a passing grade. I got a C on the examine and C for the course. But to be truthful I really didn’t know what he really wanted to teach us with that particular question.

Fast-forward 3-years. I was bringing my first born home from the hospital … my son, my wife and my mother-in-law. I’m not really sure how long my mother-in-law stayed to assist my wife in the care of our first born, but it seemed long … at least from my perspective. My son was either in the hands of my wife or my mother-in-law or sleeping. I was relegated to the position of mere observer. So I waited. Mother-in-law finally went home and I waited. That evening we slipped into our bed and I waited. I waited silently for the first stirrings and they came around 2 am. Very carefully I slipped out of bed, as not to wake my wife, gently closed our bedroom door and went to our sons room. Picking him up and began to gently pace back and forth in our apartments living room.

And it was there in that living room in Decatur, GA with the moon beams flooding through the open blinds that he and I had meeting … soul-to-soul, spirit-to-spirit, we became one in mind and body and spirit … we had meeting. And then I knew instantly what Dr. Hay so wisely had asked 3 years earlier. Tabernacle – Tenting of Meeting – the full embodiment of the entire Old Testament summed up in one simple object … where God and people become one – spirit-to-spirit, soul-to-soul – God and his people coming together like never before. Tabernacle … tent of meeting … right there in that small apartment in Decatur, GA between a father and his first born.


Quote for today: I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of yours wings. Psalm 61:4

1 comment:

  1. great story...

    WOW -- never thought of the entire OT summed up in the Tabernacle. But I can see it now!

    My leanings in "narrative theology" lead me to see the Exodus as the centerpiece of the OT. So now I'm wondering how the concept of "tent of meeting" goes along with that. The Tabernacle is, of course, part of the Exodus story!
