Saturday, August 27, 2011

Learning to Slowdance, a poem

When I came across this poem it reminded my of the “The Singer Trilogy” by Calvin Miller ... not really sure why, it just did. It is a good reminder that most of us just are living our lives too fast. Over the last week it has been heard numerous times … “Where has the summer gone? Cannot believe that school as already started!” But still our lives get over committed and our day-timers become filled with “stuff” that we just feel we “have” to do. Maybe it is time to pull up a chair, open a book, pour a glass of wine and relax … or even better – just pull up the chair and watch the world pass by. Maybe, just maybe we need to learn how to do a Slowdance!

S L O W D A N C E by Davic L. Weatherford

Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down don’t dance so fast
Time is short the music won’t last

Do you run through each day On the fly
When you ask “How are you?” Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done, do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores running through your head?

You’d better slow down don’t dance so fast
Time is short the music won’t last

Ever told your child, We’ll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste, not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die
‘Cause you never had time to call and say “Hi”?

You’d better slow down don’t dance so fast
Time is short the music won’t last

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift….Thrown away…

Life is not a race. Do take it slower
Hear the music before the song is over.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful poem indeed.
    Why should we worry God has promise to take care of us!
    Luke 12:27
    Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
