Monday, June 27, 2011

Reflections on a spiritual journey ... be prepared to be surprised by God!

“You realize, don't you, that you are the temple of God, and God himself is present in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16 (The Message)

Spiritual journeys are fascinating because we can never really know where we will end up. Such has been the journey that I have traveled these last 14 months.

When our growing family brought us to Bradenton, we discussed the possibilities that were set before concerning finding a church home. There were 7 United Methodist churches within a short driving distance from our new home, but which one should we choose. We knew the pastors at three of them and knew of great reputation of the work and outreach of a fourth church.

The decision, so I thought, was made that first week when one of the pastors, that we had known for 32 years, invited us to a clergy-spouse luncheon. During this luncheon he laid out his concerns, challenges and hopes for the church he had just been assigned to. It was his hope that he could enlist our support and participation in trying to lead the congregation. So, I volunteered to give him 10-hours of my time per week thinking that I had discovered what God wanted me to do now that I had retired for the second time.

Those 10-hours quickly grew into 25-hours doing something that I really felt that I neither had the desire to do nor the gifts and graces to accomplish for the kingdom. I am a people person, I enjoy visiting (especially in hospitals and during emergency situations), I like discovering new things about people, but an ongoing, every month kind of shut-in ministry to the same people over and over and over again was not something that I do well nor have the patience for. God had blessed my ministry with gifted retired clergy who loved this kind of ministry and/or committed lay people.

The challenge of the huge number of shut-ins was quite overwhelming, but I was encouraged that they had a long standing group that were concerned in reaching out to the shut-ins. Through many efforts to refocus this group’s energy and outreach, as well as enlist more volunteers to participate fell flat. In frustration, I approached a couple of the other retired clergy to see if they could pickup some of the responsibility. If nothing more than just to give them a phone call during the week. At every turn I received the same answer, No!

No, was a new and unexpected response. Over 40-plus years of ministry I’ve never had the experience of failure to enlist or motivate laity and/or clergy to participate in various kinds of ministries. This was a new and very frustrating experience.

I have long believed that God blesses what he ordains. Question: if no one is participating (or very few) and/or no one is willing to step forward (especially retired clergy) then is God blessing this effort? Conclusion: Evidently not.

Back to the drawing board. Had I stepped ahead of God – I’ve been known to do that occasionally? Did I get involved before God was ready for me to be involved? Had I taken the time to listen for his voice and his direction?
God blesses what he ordains!

It was time for a spiritual journey of sorts. Our 2010 vacation provided the vehicle for such a journey. We were going to be driving out west. We would be gone for 6-weeks. As my wife will painful bear witness to I am not a great conversationalist. Oh, I participate in discussions, but seldom ever take the lead unless it is church related. Six weeks behind the wheel of the car will give me a lot of quiet time to think, pray and contemplate.

Upon returning to Bradenton, the senior pastor met with me and offered the possibility of a paid position on the church staff. He offered several ways that it could work, some of them very interesting, but it wasn’t about money, it wasn’t about the position, it wasn’t about having dedicated time off … it was about doing what God was blessing. After some lengthy sharing I had to decline the offer. The 6-week spiritual journey had convinced me that God wasn’t going to bless my efforts in the area of ministry the church was asking me to fulfill.

And so, I continued to pray – month after month after month. I was beginning to wonder, but I continued to pray. I was getting frustrated, but I continued to pray. I was beginning to look around and think up other opportunities, but I continued to pray. I even took a very-part time job at the local movie theatre just to get my mind off my frustration, but I continued to pray.

Then a call came from my pastor concerning an e-mail from the District Superintendent (DS), resulting in more prayer. Then e-mails were exchanged between the DS and myself and still more prayers. There was a church, a small membership church, that was in need of a pastor and still I prayed. Was this it? I said, yes.

It dawned on me that God was starting to prepare me for taking on this responsibility even before we moved to Bradenton in September 2009. God was preparing me as I served a small membership Congregational church for 5-years as their “interim” pastor – there are some unique opportunities and challenges in a small membership church. God was preparing me as I volunteered my services to the Bradenton church – to help me clarify my gifts and graces for ministry. God was in charge.

After I agreed to step out of retirement and take on the responsibility of leading a congregation I began to have an overriding sensation that much about this church has the same “feel” to it as First, Hudson when I went there.

Starting this week I am now the pastor of the Palmetto Drive-In United Methodist Church.

In my spiritual journey I have been reminded that it is not about me, it is not about the United Methodist Church, it is not about the uniqueness of the Palmetto Drive-In Church … it is about Giving God the Glory in all things and at all times … and then to be amazed at what God does with what he has to work with.

If you go on a spiritual journey be prepared to wait for an answer, be ready to be surprised when you arrive at God’s destination and be eager to serve the cause of Christ wherever God plants you. I know that I have been and will continue to be!

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