Thursday, June 23, 2011

God's solutions are just waiting to be discovered

Quote for today: As a rule man is a fool, When it's hot he wants it cool, When it's cool he wants it hot, Always wanting what is not. ~ Anonymous

What did we do before we had air conditioning?

The answer: We were hot … very hot …

During the summer I wore as little as possible – just a pair of shorts – no shirt, no socks, no shoes … just a pair of shorts. At night we slept with the windows open and a fan blowing on us. We changed the sheets often because of the puddle of water we would wake up in each morning. … We were hot!

When I became a teenager and moved into the back bedroom I felt that I had hit the jackpot because now I had two windows – one on the east side and one on the north side of the house. I positioned my bed at an angle between the two windows hoping for a crosswind.

It was then that I discovered the magic of what a little fan could actually do.

My older brothers shared the efficiency that mom and dad use to rent out. There was a very small kitchen that they decided to tear out and turn into a room. In the kitchen was a little exhaust fan they didn’t think that they would need. I began to put two and two together and wondered.

I asked for that little exhaust fan. BINGO!

Into the upper portion of one of my windows it went. At night I would plug that little fan in and open the other window about 2 or 3 inches. It created a draft. Plus, with the high humidity of Miami, I had created a very efficient a/c system. For the rest of my stay at home I slept under a light blanket every summer. I was the only person in the house who was cool in the evenings.

Who says that all you can do is talk about the weather?

And so it is with life. We can either bemoan our life’s situations or we can do something about it. We can either find fault with others as in “it is all your fault” or “if you had only done this or done that” or “you took away everything that was meaningful and left me with nothing” or a hundred other excuses … OR, we can do something about it.

“Jesus looked hard at them and said, ‘No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it.’"
Matthew 19:26 (The Message) … “all things are possible with God!”

It would be wise to hold onto this promise from God as if there is no tomorrow.

No matter what we are facing, no matter how heavy the trials, no matter how difficult the relationships, no matter how meaningless life might seem, no matter how challenging just making it through another day is, no matter how hot our situation might be … no matter what we are facing, everything is within God’s reach … everything has a solution … everything and everyone has a brighter tomorrow waiting for them … there is an answer for everything and everyone.

God’s solutions are just waiting to be discovered.

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