Sunday, September 19, 2010

Influence - a personal impact on others

Influence … that personal impact that one person has upon another. At the end of the journey one can never really know just how much of an influence – for good or for bad – that one has had on others. Some influence is lasting, as I’ve been reminded of on more than one occasion, as a young North Carolina minister has recalled several sermons that I shared with the congregation that he participated in as a youth. Actually, from my perspective, it is a little scary if you really think about it. A word here or a word there and a life is influenced ... changed … redirected … strengthened … encouraged … lifted up … motivated … all because one person crossed their path at some point in their journey.

There was another situation where an outstanding and dynamic pastor, now serving one of the premier churches of Florida, walked up and mentioned how he had looked upon me as a mentor. I was both surprised and touched … and in truth, he had really been my mentor both in leadership style, ease of interaction with others and the gentle caring grace that flowed from his personality. When I got back into my car I found myself telling God that if I could come back into this life at some point I would love to come back as David.

Influence … you never really know who, when or where the influence is taking place nor how deeply that influence is affecting the individuals being touched by your spirit. This thought keeps running through my mind as I interact with my grandchildren. I hope that I live long enough to see them grow-up because I am just curious about their future and would like to be around to help shape it.

As a Christian, it should be our desire to bring the peace of God’s presence into the lives of everyone we come in contact with as we introduce them to our friend Jesus, but does that happen? Just what is left in our wake as we navigate through our daily routine? In what ways are we shaping the lives of others? We probably will never know until we get to heaven and are greeted by a host of cheering friends that we have touched along the way.

Quote for today: Dr. John Geddie went to Aneityum in 1848 and worked there for God for 24 years. On the tablet erected to his memory these words are inscribed: When he landed, in 1848, there were no Christians. When he left, in 1872, there were no heathen. J.O. Sanders

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