Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Reflection on Pentecost

Reflecting on Pentecost I share what I’ve just recently read from Carlo Carretto’s book, The God who Comes, pages 88-89.

When God reveals Himself in His nature as one and in His actions as three, Pentecost penetrates the depths of man’s heart.
His soul is enflamed and He becomes inebriated with the light and with life.
It is as though he were going beyond his own limits, leaving his old earthly city, to enter the new land of God.
For the first time he touches the frontier of Christianity, he is aware of the nature of the Kingdom.
At the same moment in which you discover – or rather, live – the experience of the Unity and Trinity of God within you, you discover and live the unity of your human existence.
You need no longer ask yourself, “Who am I?”
You know it, see it, you live it.

Pentecost is not about a calendar event – regardless how significant the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the gathered believers – it is about what happens to the individual who is touched by that all consuming power. Finally, it starts to make sense what Jesus said about having abundant life.

I especially like the phrase, “inebriated with the light and with life” as in “filled with new wine.”

Here is to life – all of it – lived to its fullness – lived with abandonment, utter joy and exuberance. Life lived with no regrets – released from previous mistakes and missteps.

The time is now to stop flirting with God’s enriching and freeing Spirit and simply allow the Holy Spirit to take over! The invitation, via Pentecost, is to come join the party! Oh, that I would appropriate this truth in my life and stop beating myself up for the past mistakes (too many to count) and join the party!

Quote for today: “When we get full of ourselves, we get empty of God.” Unknown source

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