Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We never know who might be listening to us - John 12:32 with a story about one of the greatest preachers of the last century

SCRIPTURE: John 12:32 (NIV)
But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself."

A STORY as shared by Max Lucado in “Cast of Characters,” page 100:
John Egglen had never preached a sermon in his life. Never.

Wasn’t that he didn’t want to, just never needed to. But then one morning he did. The snow left his town of Colchester, England buried in white. When he awoke on that January Sunday in 1850, he thought of staying home. Who would go to church in such weather?

But he reconsidered. He was, after all, a deacon. And if the deacons didn’t go, who would? So he put on his boots, hat, and coat and walked the six miles to the Methodist Church.

He wasn’t the only member who considered staying home. In fact, he was one of the few who came. Only thirteen people were present. Twelve members and one visitor. Even the minister was snowed in. Someone suggested they go home. Egglen would hear none of that. They’d come this far, they would have a service. Besides, they had a visitor. A thirteen-year-old boy.

But who would preach? Egglen was the only deacon. It fell to him.

And so he did. His sermon lasted only ten minutes. It drifted and wandered and made no point in an effort to make several. But at the end, an uncharacteristic courage settled upon the man. He lifted his eyes and looked straight at the boy and challenged: “Young man, look to Jesus. Look! Look! Look!”

Did the challenge make a difference? Let the boy, now a man, answer. “I did look, and then and there the cloud on my heart lifted, the darkness rolled away, and at that moment I saw the sun.”

The boy’s name? Charles Haddon Spurgeon. England’s prince of preachers.

You just never know. We can never know who is listening to us, who might be looking at us, who could be following in our footsteps. Influence is powerful. A word. An action. A deed. A seed planted in a young person’s heart, his spirit is transformed and the one of the century’s greatest preachers emerges into adulthood. You just never know.

The challenge is to take every encounter seriously. The handle with care every chance meeting. And always life up Christ … because we can never know who is being influenced or touched or changed by our words.

Make us more aware of those around us and may our words and deeds bring honor to you, O Christ. Amen

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