Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Using time wisely - Ecclesiastes 3:1-5

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 3:1-5 (The Message)
There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth: A right time for birth and another for death, A right time to plant and another to reap, A right time to kill and another to heal, A right time to destroy and another to construct, A right time to cry and another to laugh, A right time to lament and another to cheer, A right time to make love and another to abstain, A right time to embrace and another to part

Take time to think – it is the source of power
Take time to read – it is the foundation of wisdom
Take time to pray – it is the secret of staying young
Take time to be aware – it is the opportunity to seek God
Take time to love and be loved – it is God’s greatest gift
Take time to laugh – it is the music of the soul
Take time to be friendly – it is the road to happiness
Take time to dream – it is what the future is made of
Take time to pray – it is the greatest power on earth

We are all given the same number of hours in a day … then why do some individuals accomplish so much while others accomplish very little. According to my older brother it all boils down to time management.

It is too easy to waste time via TV, Computer, etc. Just moving through the day without a focus, direction or purpose.

The challenge is to set goals and then ask the all-important question: Does this activity help me to achieve my goals? Depending on the answer ones activity could change and before long accomplishing great things will become the story of our life.

We have the time to do whatever it is that we really want to do … really!

Gracious God help me to be faithful stewards of the hours and minutes that have been placed in my hands. Help me to use them wisely. Help me to handle them with care. Help me to be your disciple in all things. Amen.

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