Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life ... as good as it gets!

As the quote goes, “Life happens when you weren’t looking.” Or, another one of my favorite quotes is, “Don’t let life hit you on the butt as it passes you by.”

All of us wants our life to matter … we desire to make a difference … to leave this earth a little better than how we found it. Reality is that we are responsible for shaping our own life … and the impact it is going to have on those we met along the journey. Oh, we can blame others as in, “My life would be so much better if you would only get your act together … it is all your fault!” That is so much easier than to say that I am responsible for my own life.

Within the course of each day we are given 24 hours or 1,440 minutes or 86,400 seconds to spend as we choose. Some of us make the choice to fill up these precious moments with hours upon hours of computer games, emails, etc. … while others consume an unbelievable amount of TV time … all in the name of “being bored” or “lack of a meaningful life” or simply because we can. The choice is ours. Life really is what we make of it.

Life might not have turned out quit like we had envision it or even tried hard to plan it … but, hey, that is life. So now the choice is really ours … and Gods, if we choose to include him in the process – after all he did say that he had come to give us life … abundant life … filled to over flowing kind of life … it is right there for us to make the best of it as we can.

Remember the movie staring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt, As Good As It Gets? They received the Oscar for best actor and actress and the movie was nominated for best picture that year. To quote one synopsis, “It portrays an obsessive-compulsive, misanthropic bigot who becomes involved in the lives of a single mother and homosexual neighbor and how they grow personally as a result of knowing each other.” The bottom line is that we can either take control of our life or it will be controled by outside forces – some we might see and some we might not see. The remaining question is this: “If this is as good as it gets … don’t miss the opportunities that are present while looking for something better down the road.”

It is our life – we are in control … the outcome has yet to be determined. And, before you sell yourself short, each of us is making a larger impact on those around us than we can ever imagine. It might be via a smile, a friendly note, a special hug, a kind word, a phone call, a listening ear, cooking a meal, sharing a quiet moment … we all share our life differently with others. So look around and discover just how special you and your really are!

Quote for today: “One of life’s regrets is when you don’t get to choose among all the things you’ve wished for … one of its horrors is when you do.” 9 Chickweed Lane

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