Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Called to be loving and faithful servants of Christ (Philemon 5) with an illustration from the life of William Booth.

SCRIPTURE: Philemon 5 (TM)
I keep hearing of the love and faith you have for the Master Jesus, which brims over to other Christians.

During the early days of the Salvation Army, William Booth and his associates were bitterly attacked in the press by religious leaders and government leaders alike. Whenever his son, Bramwell, showed Booth a newspaper attack, the General would reply, "Bramwell, fifty years hence it will matter very little indeed how these people treated us; it will matter a great deal how we dealt with the work of God." 

What are people saying about us? What kind of reputation do we have in the community? How do we affect those around us? What is the impact we have on people we have never met, but know of us?

Now here is the harder question: Do we change our behavior so that others will think highly of us or do we remain faithful to the work of God allowing that to be the greater influence?

May it be said of all of us that our “love and faith (we) have for the Master Jesus” was the driving force of our life. That it influenced everything that we said and did. That when people thought of us it was the first thing that came to mind.

There will always be people who will find fault with something that we have done or said. Their words are cheap, but can be earthshaking if we allow them to have an affect on our spirit. First and foremost should be the desire to hear from God those most meaningful of words: “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

Nothing else matters.

May we always be found to be faithful servants of your work here on earth. 

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