Sunday, July 4, 2010

Going to church

It is heard often … “…it is important to take little Johnny to church!” The question that I have always struggled with is this … if it is important for little Johnny to go to church why isn’t it important for little Johnny’s parents to participate in church? I believe that it is, but you seldom hear adults talking about that or commenting concerning the parents involvement.

Why do we all agree that church is important for children, but not so important for adults? It is easy for adults to miss church without feeling that they are somehow missing something important in their lives. “We have out of town guests.” “We were out late last night.” “It is the only day that I have to really rest.” “We have tickets to this event.” “Cannot miss that NFL game.” “I love breakfast at Wimbledon.” And so the list goes on and on and on.

Adults might have participated in church when they were growing up. Then they go off to college and kind of drift away. Finally, they find an important individual that they desire to spend the rest of their lives with – hopefully. Following marriage children come along (hopefully in that order) … it is when the children come along that they turn to each other and state, “We need to get back to church for the children.” Hmmmm, I’ve never understood that process. Oh, I’m glad that something prompts them to return, but hopefully they get something out of the participation other than just seeing their children having a good time ... and learning something as well.

Quote for today: Percentage of mothers who said they wanted their children to develop a loyalty to church in 1924: 50. In 1978: 22. Psychology Today, October 1988.

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