Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Modern philosophy statements

If you had to put your philosophy of life on a bumper sticker what would it say?

Ever since seeing the bumper sticker which read: “Come back to Miami we weren’t shooting at you!” I’ve been in love with bumper stickers. Not for my car mind you, but as a testimony to the kind of individuals who would place such statements on their cars for the world to see. I’ve also wondered about the individual who literally plaster the back of their vehicles with too many bumper stickers to read while driving or stopped at a traffic light.

Here are just some of my favorites:
-Grace Happens
-Don’t believe everything you think
-Drive carefully so you don’t need me … I am a blood donor
-Cowboy up OR go sit in the truck!
-When at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tired
-Always drink up stream from the heard
-Where in heavens name is EAST STREET?
-If you are not outraged you’re not paying attention
-My reality TV is called: BASEBALL

And then there was the bumper stick on the back of a yellow VW bug – “Honk if you love Jesus” – so, I did and … well … let’s just say that the driver’s response was not necessarily appropriate considering the invitation of the bumper sticker.

I call bumper stickers – nutshell philosophy! Simple, direct and some of them you really do need to be a nutcase to put them on your car – but they are out there for the world to see. They’ve been placed upon the car because the driver really does think that way – which in some situations is a little bit more than scary.

Anyway – what would your bumper sticker say? Also, I would love to hear about your favorites.

P.S. T-shirt statements are an entirely different ball of wax. Most of them I wouldn’t put into print, but I do find myself wondering what kind of person would actually put on a shirt that makes those kinds of statements!

Quote for today: “There is nothing so absurd but some philosopher has said it.” Cicero

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