Saturday, September 3, 2011

The importance of children in the Kingdom of God - Matthew 19:14 with a story, an observation and a prayer

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 19:14 (The Message)
But Jesus intervened: "Let the children alone, don't prevent them from coming to me. God's kingdom is made up of people like these."

A STORY from Sunshine Magazine:
A young mother finally got her three children to bed one night and wearily came down into the den when an awful sight met her eyes. An encyclopedia lay open o the floor. A page had been ripped out and torn into little pieces. As she gathered up the mess and reached for the scotch tape, this experience seemed to symbolize the hectic futility of her life. She heaved a sigh. As she repaired the torn page she realized it was the face of a child, and when she turned it over she found on the back a map of the world. And it suddenly struck her that her vocation was not useless. For as she patiently gave herself to putting together the life of a child, she was really giving shape to both the world of tomorrow and reality itself.

We spend a lot of time with our grandchildren. Our decision to move to Bradenton was based on the pending birth of our first grandchild. They are important to us. I have difficulty understanding how grandparents can move away from their grandchildren simply to live in a warmer climate. Yesterday afternoon I babysat our grandson while his sister and our daughters were off getting pre-marriage photos taken. Eli and I just sat in the rocker as I read to him, sang some songs and spoke the names of everyone in the family over-and-over-and-over again …he just turned 1 and is trying to understand language.

I am presently serving as part-time pastor to a church that doesn’t have any children. It is kind of sad. There just seems like a certain “spark” of vitality is missing. There is nothing that can replace the joy and energy of having children around. Actually, it is one of the reasons we moved into our community … because it wasn’t a 55-plus community.

So, the next time you are at a restaurant or at a shopping mall or just walking in the park take the time to notice the children around you. Wave to them. Let them know you acknowledge their existence. And pay attention, you just might be blessed with a smile and wave back.

Gracious Lord, you have populated our world and our lives with children, help us take notice of their presence and help us recognize their importance. In the name of him who loved children and gave them a place of priority in his kingdom, Jesus Christ himself. Amen.

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