Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Reflections on the state of the present political climate when applying 1 Corinthians 10:10

Paul writes, in part, to the church in 1 Corinthians 10:10: “We must be careful not to stir up discontent …” As the airwaves are filled with negative political ads, some of them approaching slander, I wonder how many of those producing those ads would make claim to a Christian faith? Millions of dollars are being spent to “sow these seeds of discontent” and for what end?

If the negative ads work and a political candidate wins … what have they won? On the way to an uncertain victory their integrity has been lost. As we attempted to teach our children if you avoid an unpleasant situation by lying what have you learned? That lying works? That you can get ahead by twisting the truth? That a half-truth here or out-and-out lies there might work this time, but what about next time? How much of your integrity are you willing to give up in order to win? And, the seeds of discontent are sown.

Isn’t it a little like the proverbial drop of water? Water, in and of itself, isn’t very powerful, but a steady and constant dripping of water, drop after drop after drop, will eventually erode away the mighty and strong rock. And so it is with the slanderous comments flooding our homes … they are nothing more than the constant drip of water destroying not the character of their opponent, but the individual and party running the negative ads. And, the seeds of discontent are sown.

One political season leads to another political season – one series of negative ads simply encourages stronger negative ads the next time around … all the while sowing those seeds of discontent … and though the candidate and/or political party might win this time they actually are the greater loser because they have lost their souls in the process. And, the seeds of discontent are sown.

Some years ago I had a favorite politician from the “other” party. I was building him up, speaking positively about him, hoping that he would win the primary process, but at last, he lost. Four years later he ran again, but this time it was different or should I say that he was different. Because of the previous loss he was determined that this time was going to be different. He went on the attack early and became cozy with groups and organizations that he wouldn’t have included among his supporters just four years earlier. In my mind, he had lost his integrity for the sake of trying to win the ultimate prize … and he lost again. And, the seeds of discontent had been sown.

And so, we are starting to go to the polls. We will cast our ballots for particular individuals. Some, like my father in an earlier day, will vote the “straight party” line regardless of the actual individuals involved. Some will decided to stay away because they do not wish to dirty themselves by voting for any of those running for political office. And, the seeds of discontent are sown.

Things are broken in Washington – that is a painful reality. Those presently running to fill a seat in congress, in the most part, will not make it better or worse … they will simply continue the insanity called American Politics. There will be winners and losers, but our nation will be the ultimate loser because of the sowing of seeds of discontent. God simply will not honor those who sow such seeds. We reap the harvest of the seeds planted in the rich soil of our land. If the seeds of discontent are sown, then the harvest will be bitter. The soul of the nation will be starved for the lack of at least one righteous individual.

Quote for today: Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor. Benjamin Franklin

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